Trusted brand for 10+ years
4602+ Days Binary Retention
50 SSL Encrypted Connections
ThunderNews Usenet
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What you get?
- 256 bit Secure Encryption
- 50 Connections
- US and European Server Clusters
- 24/7 Support
- 4602+ Days Binary Retention
a ThunderNews Affiliate
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- Real Time Stats

Check out's latest special: Choose the Unlimited Max Usenet + OctaneVPN special and a low introductory cost of $10.49 for the first 3 months and then a great low price of only $12.99 for both products. It's hard to beat Usenet + personal VPN service for less than $15/mo.
Why ThunderNews Usenet?

10+ Years Retention and 99% Completion Our Usenet servers are currently offering up to 4602+ days of text newsgroup retention and 4602+ days of newsgroup retention. Our Usenet servers maintain some of the best completion rates in the industry at over 99%.

256 Bit Encrypted Connections ThunderNews now offers 256 Bit SSL Encrypted Secure NNTP news server connections allowing you the option of a secure Usenet connection. We offer secure connections to both our US Usenet news servers and our European Usenet news servers.

Speed & Reliability Our redundant news servers offer fast Usenet access with multiple backbone connections for the ultimate in speed and reliability. You can connect as fast as your internet connection.

Privacy We take your privacy very seriously. We do not log what newsgroups or articles you read. Your personal information remains private and we do not sell or give your contact information to third parties. In addition, we offer VPN service to allow you anonnymous access to the internet.

Newsreader Software Access our service with your favorite newsreader! We support all major newsreaders like NewsBin, Newsleecher, Grabit, SABnzbd and NZBGet
About ThunderNews is a premium Usenet newsgroup provider. Our servers peer with hundreds of other Usenet news servers across the Usenet to provide our users access to every newsgroup available. We offer the best combination of connection speed, excellent article completeness and long article retention available - all uncensored, unfiltered and without logs.
From our Customers
VPN service is superb. Great deal on Usenet with VPN - Jianguo, California, USA
You guys rock! Your support team is great and your news servers are even better! - Bryan, Georgia, USA
Great newsgroup service and plan to be with Thundernews for a long time to come. :) - Derek, London, UK
Very happy Usenet. VPN is great for media blackouts. - Ludovic, Paris, FR
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