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Free Upgrade to Premium Servers

February 23, 2010

Do you use the server and are you receiving a 502 authentication error or having trouble connecting?

We announced in late January that beginning in February we would be upgrading all customers on the Standard servers to access our Premium servers for FREE as accounts renew during the month of February. This process started February 3 and will proceed through early March.

If you are having trouble connecting to the server, your account has probably already been moved to the Premium servers. You need to make a few adjustments to your newsreader software to connect. See this help page for details.
TN Support Team

ThunderNews Announces New European SSL Usenet Server Launch

October 24, 2008

ThunderNews is excited to announce that we have launched our much awaited European SSL Usenet servers. The new European SSL Usenet servers offer the same newsgroup selection and retention as our regular European news servers. ThunderNews customers who subscribe to the Premium SSL account type can access the new Usenet servers now by using the news server name and the same ports as you use to connect to the server. Log in on the Member's pages for more details on connecting to the European SSL news servers.

If you do not have a Premium SSL account and want to upgrade your existing ThunderNews account to the Premium SSL level, please enter an upgrade request at the ThunderNews Help Desk and we will be happy to assist.

Discount for Cox, Comcast, Time Warner, Verizon and Sprint Customers

June 25, 2008

ThunderNews is pleased to offer customers of Cox, Comcast, Time Warner, Verizon and Sprint the opportunity to upgrade to premium Usenet access at a 20% permanent discount on the monthly plan of your choice. Replace their service with ours and get long rentetion, great completion rates, excellent support and the option of SSL encrypted connections.

Join Now! and use discount code tn20tvs

ThunderNews Offers 256 bit SSL NNTP Connections

September 01, 2007

ThunderNews is please to announce we now offer 256 bit SSL encrypted NNTP connections!

SSL encrypted NNTP connections offer another level of security and privacy allowing you to safeguard your computer's communications with our news server when browsing messages. With SSL connections, your Usenet communications are encrypted from your ISP, other network providers and any others attempting to monitor traffic.

You may open an account with secure SSL NNTP access by choosing our Premium SSL Server option on our SignUp page.